Online Sources Of Knowledge

Introduction to MOOCs

How is MOOC different from E-learning?  

full name of MOOC คือ Massive Open Online Courses means teaching and learning in an online format that supports a large number of students, regardless of gender, age, education, for free And it's learning Anywhere Anytime, that is. Study anywhere, anytime through smartphones, computers, tablets by learning through videos Lectures by the subject's teacher There are exercises after the lesson.
In addition, some platforms have discussion forums or forums for learners to have discussions. share knowledge with teachers or students themselves as well. e-learning (e-learning) It is an instruction for a specific group of learners. study in that institution or open to outsiders to study By collecting tuition fees, so what MOOC differs from e-learning is that it is learning at your leisure. that anyone can study on MOOC, although there are currently some courses that charge tuition. But the goal of most MOOCs is free service



Organizations that offer MOOC teaching and learning in Thailand and abroad