
Make a donation to the university via e-Donation. Tax deductible 2 times.

Nakhon Ratchasima Center

Khon Kaen Campus

Sakon Nakhon Campus

Surin Campus

Recommendations for the use of donors

1. Donors should receive QR Code directly from banks or universities only. And absolutely avoid typing the QR Code by yourself or get it from other people.
2. Donors should check the name of the university account and the amount of money to be correct and complete before confirming the money transfer every time.

donate to

Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Nakhon Ratchasima Center

** In the process of coordinating asking for QR Code from relevant agencies **

donate to

Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Khon Kaen Campus

** In the process of coordinating asking for QR Code from relevant agencies **

donate to

Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakon Nakhon Campus

** In the process of coordinating asking for QR Code from relevant agencies **

Rajamangala University of Technology Isan

Surin Campus

e-Donation or electronic donation system is a system to support donation information. and facilitate the donors to be able to exercise the right of tax deduction without having to bring proof of donation to show to the Revenue Department Donations to Rajamangala University of Technology Isan through the e-Donation system can be done in 2 ways:

  • Donate via the university's QR Code that has an e-Donation symbol. No matter where and when you see the QR Code, for example on the university's website, Facebook LINE, you can scan the donation anytime, anywhere, and when you scan the QR Code, choose to express your wish to the bank. Submit donation information to the Revenue Department. The donation information will be automatically sent to the Revenue Department. Donors do not need to keep receipts. or another certificate

App donation process

Source: ธนาคาร แห่ งประเทศไทย

  • Donate in cash at the Treasury Division, Office of the President, Building 19, 2nd Floor, or Planning and Finance on every campus under the university
  • Easy to donate, no need to ask for a certificate.
  • Donate via QR Code anywhere, anytime.
  • Any amount of donations can be tax deductible.
  • Choose to donate via Mobile Banking at any bank, no cash required.
  • You can check donation information 24 hours a day on the website of the Revenue Department. rd.go.th >> e-Donation system >> For donors >> Log in using the same user ID and password as submitting income tax return via internet or through My Tax Account system.also considered a faster tax return. because there is no need to wait for the documents
  1. The donation receiving unit should receive a QR Code from the bank/service user. (Provided) and avoid typing the QR Code yourself or obtaining it from any unreliable service provider.

  2. Donation units should maintain and check their own QR Code to prevent it from being forged. or being covered by crooks

  3. The donation unit should inform the customer to verify the donation unit information is correct, such as the donation unit account name, amount of money before every donation confirmation.

  4. Donation units can check their receipts through various notification services such as SMS Alert, Mobile Notification, etc.

  5. In addition to receiving notification services The donation unit can verify the donation receipt from the consumer slip, which should contain the following information:

    (1) There is a message/symbol indicating that the transaction was successful.
    (2) Account name of donation unit
    (3) amount
    (4) Reference Number
    (5) date/time of transaction (at the time of donation)

  6. In case the donation receiving unit does not receive the donation information from the SMS Alert or Mobile Notification service of the bank/service provider or has questions and needs additional assistance You can contact the bank at KTB Call Center 02-111-1111 press 101.


for Rajamangala University of Technology Isan

** In the process of coordinating asking for QR Code from relevant agencies **

Make a donation to the university through e-Donation.
Double the tax deduction

e-Donation or electronic donation system is a system to support donation information. and facilitate the donors to be able to exercise the right of tax deduction without having to bring proof of donation to show to the Revenue Department Donations to Rajamangala University of Technology Isan through the e-Donation system can be done in 2 ways:

  • Donate via the university's QR Code that has an e-Donation symbol. No matter where and when you see the QR Code, for example on the university's website, Facebook LINE, you can scan the donation anytime, anywhere, and when you scan the QR Code, choose to express your wish to the bank. Submit donation information to the Revenue Department. The donation information will be automatically sent to the Revenue Department. Donors do not need to keep receipts. or another certificate

App donation process

Source: ธนาคาร แห่ งประเทศไทย

  • Donate in cash at the Treasury Division, Office of the President, Building 19, 2nd Floor, or Planning and Finance on every campus under the university
  • Easy to donate, no need to ask for a certificate.
  • Donate via QR Code anywhere, anytime.
  • Any amount of donations can be tax deductible.
  • Choose to donate via Mobile Banking at any bank, no cash required.
  • You can check donation information 24 hours a day on the website of the Revenue Department. rd.go.th >> e-Donation system >> For donors >> Log in using the same user ID and password as submitting income tax return via internet or through My Tax Account system.also considered a faster tax return. because there is no need to wait for the documents

Donate to other facilities of the university